At Mall Malisow & Cooney, P.C., our holistic approach to ElderCare℠ Legal Planning includes a focus on care advocacy. Our legal team works in tandem with you and a network of professionals to ensure individuality, respect, dignity, independence, and the highest possible quality of life for your loved one.
Your responsibilities do not stop when a loved one is placed in a care facility, nor do ours. Our ElderCare legal team can also assist you by attending care planning meetings, advising in the development of a suitable care plan, and ensuring the specific attributes of the care plan are properly carried out.
The Comprehensive Geriatric Care Assessment
The Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) is a process that combines diagnosis and treatments plans for a variety of medical, psychosocial, and functional limitations of your elderly loved one. In order to maximize his or her overall health as they continue to age, multiple issues are evaluated beyond those of a mere medical nature.
These can include, but are not limited to:
- Physical
- Cognitive
- Affective
- Social
- Financial
- Environmental
- Spiritual
In most situations, the CGA process includes input from a multidisciplinary team of professionals including a clinician, nurse, social worker, physical and occupational therapists, nutritionists, pharmacists, psychiatrists, psychologists, dentists, audiologists, podiatrists, and opticians.
Our role is to be present to advise you during the review of these assessment results. Our ElderCare Attorneys can help to identify strategies for obtaining the highest quality of care possible.
Reviewing Contracts and Elder Care Arrangements
It is never advisable to sign any admission contracts or other documents without first having one of our Michigan ElderCare Attorneys review it. These documents are often confusing and can contain problems with wording or other issues that will be harder to resolve later, especially after signing. Even if another appointment must be arranged, do not sign anything without first having it reviewed by an Attorney who is experienced in ElderCare Law.
At Mall Malisow & Cooney, P.C., our team includes two nationally Certified Elder Law Attorneys as well as others who understand the intricacies of care arrangements. They can ensure that payment guarantees, responsible party arrangements, Medicare, and other important legal matters reflect your wishes and conform to state and federal laws.
Our professional ElderCare attorneys are also sensitive to discrimination based on payment means or insurance sources, and can ensure the best possible treatment for your loved one in all matters pertaining to care.
Michigan Elder Care Planning and Review Meetings
We are always happy to add our presence and advise clients at all care planning and care review meetings with medical and administrative personnel. There are times when the mere presence of competent ElderCare legal representation weighs things in your favor. Our team also knows the questions to ask and the answers that need to be obtained for a variety of care issues. We can advise you and the facility representatives on related laws and procedures.
We are also pleased to serve as mediators when disagreements arise about the care of your loved one. We can often provide valuable options to settle disputes without provoking tension or hostility. Our ElderCare team members are well-versed in all matters relating to ElderCare and Elder Law that pertain to the care your loved one receives.
Respected Michigan Elder Law Attorneys In Farmington Hills
Our Michigan elder law firm is comprised of two lawyers who are nationally Certified Elder Law Attorneys (CELA), certified by the National Elder Law Foundation. You can be assured we take elder law issues and our holistic approach to ElderCare Legal Planning and care advocacy seriously.